Three Cheers for the Immortal Sea! (2021)
This series of visual essays were created in response to a collaborative reading group, focusing on the themes and issues of Bruno Latours’ “Down to Earth” as well as the intersection of the Anthropocene and the Capitolocene.
Each poster serves as a visual essay for a longer text, including:
These posters were selected for Le Signe Biennale internationale de design graphique in Chaumont, France in Fall of 2021.
They were shown as part of a group exhibition at the IABR / International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (2021) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and at Het HEM (2021) in Hembrug, the Netherlands
This series of visual essays were created in response to a collaborative reading group, focusing on the themes and issues of Bruno Latours’ “Down to Earth” as well as the intersection of the Anthropocene and the Capitolocene.
Each poster serves as a visual essay for a longer text, including:
- Amitav Gosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable, 2016
Rachel Carson, Undersea, 1937
Heather Davis, Toxic Progeny: The Plastisphere and Other Queer Futures, 2015
- Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, 2014
These posters were selected for Le Signe Biennale internationale de design graphique in Chaumont, France in Fall of 2021.
They were shown as part of a group exhibition at the IABR / International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (2021) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and at Het HEM (2021) in Hembrug, the Netherlands
A0 Posters, Series of 3

Le Signe Biennale internationale de design graphique / 25th Student Competition (Chaumont, France) - Juried exhibition: This World We Share - 2021 - photography by AV Audiovisuel

Het HEM (Hembrug, the Netherlands) - Group exhibition: UNMUTED - June 2021 - photography by Peter Tijhuis